DomůStaff Staff Ing. Petr Hlaváček, Ph.D.Head of DepartmentResearch Interests: The socio-economic development of regions, towns and municipalities in the Czech Republic and especially within the Ústí Region in the context of regional economics, social geography, public administration and regional policy. petr.hlavacek@ujep.czRNDr. Václav Novák, Ph.D.Deputy Head of DepartmentResearch Interests: Regional geography and regional development. vaclav.novak@ujep.czprof. Ing. Jan Sucháček, Ph.D.ProfessorResearch Interests: Territorial management and marketing. doc. Ing. Lenka Slavíková, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Economic instruments in environmental protection and their applications in water management. lenka.slavikova@ujep.czdoc. RNDr. Jaroslav Koutský, Ph.D.Associate ProfessorResearch Interests: Economic geography, regional development, innovative concepts in regional development, old industrial regions. jaroslav.koutsky@ujep.czIng. Petra Olšová, Ph.D.Assistant ProfessorResearch Interests: Public administration, management and marketing in public administration. petra.olsova@ujep.czIng. Miroslav KopáčekAssistant ProfessorResearch Interests: Spatial planning and sustainable development. miroslav.kopacek@ujep.czIng. Tomáš SýkoraAssistant ProfessorResearch Interests: Strategic management of urban and municipal development, the EU cohesion policy and its methodology in the Czech Republic, project management, integrated territorial investment, integrated territorial development plans, cooperation of local governments at a national level and with central state administration bodies.